إمتحانات شعبة الانجليزية الفصل الثالث English S3 |
أسئلة إمتحانات شعبة الانجليزية الفصل الثالث English S3
في هدا الموضوع سوف نقوم بطرح نماذج لأسئلة إمتحنات وحدات الفصل الثالث s3 والتي تخص شعبة الإنجليزية وهذه الإمتحانات هي نماذج مأخودة من الأسئلة التي سبق وتم طرحوها في السنوات السابقة وبطبيعة الحال عند إطلاعك على هذه النماذج سوف تصبح لديك صورة أولية عن كيف سوف يكون الإمتحان الدي سوف تجريه أنت في نهاية هذا الفصل.
إذن ياصديقي إن هذا الموضوع يشتمل على نماذج أسئلة جميع وحدات الفصل الثالث والي هي كتالي
برنامج الفصل الثالث شعبة الدرسات الإنجليزية Semester Three English S3
EXTENSIVE READING s3 إمتحان وحدة
Extensive Reading S3 (2016-2017)
Final Exam
Write a well-organized essay on ONE of the following questions:
1- What is Nick's attitude toward Gatsby both as a narrator and a
character? What does this attitude tell you about the novel's critical representation of the Jazz Age and the American dream?
2- How do Mama and Dee see the relation of the Afro-Americans to
their heritage as represented by the quilts in Everyday use?
3- In Chinua Achebe's short story "Dead Men's Path,” what does the
priest's statement "let the hawk perch and let the eagle perch" suggest, and how do the views of the priest regarding modernity and tradition differ from Obi's?
4- "Every individual is a meeting ground for many different allegiances,
and sometimes these loyalties conflict with one another and confront the person who harbors them with difficult choices.” Discuss this statement in the light of Amine Maalouf's insights on identity.
لتحميل هذا الإمتحان إضغط هنا
GRAMMAR 3 s3. أسئلة إمتحان وحدة شعبة الإنجليزية
GON Please write your answers in the spaces provided on these pages For each underlined and italicized item, state the type of grammatical Category and its Baseball's spectacular defensive plays occur when players catch all seemingly freshAn t e Noue as simple subject may leap and catch a fly ball that looks like a sure home run. Another time, an indweer may de to the ground to sneg a ball that everyone in the park expects to be o bose hit wroever loves baseball the to watch a sprinting outfielder run down a fly ball four hundred feet from home plate. On the other hand,
what looks like an ordinary play sometimes turns truly ridiculous One afternoon in 1948 when a Boston Red Sox batter hit a ground ball toward Eddie cost of the Philadelphia Athletics, the ball hit Joost's glove.
rolled up his arm, and disappeared into his sleeve. The bewildered shortstop frantically searched everywhere before he found the call in his shirt.
As loost pulled his shirttail out of his pants, the stubborn ball dropped to the ground and rolled away from him Ted Williams, who was the runner on third base
could have scored easily, was laughing too hard to run. Fans might well wonder where in all of baseball history they could find a more ludicrous playB.
Identify the phrases in the sentences below by underlining and numbering ther, as shown in the example below. For each numbered phrase indicate (a) what kind it is, (bits grammatical function.
She wants to leave to catch the train1
1. (a) Infinitive Phrase (b) Direct Object 2. (a) Infinitive Phrase (b) Adverb
1. Before leaving on vacation, please check the schedule to see if you will have to rearrange it.
2. With the conclusion of this chapter, you learned enough to pass the state board for speakers of English
3. Please instruct your officers to review the credit files for current financial information
4. Johnny Hallyday, in his youth a talented musician, Rave concerts every now and then editions be If the
5. Creativity being minimal in the company, I think we must have hired all left-brained people,
C. Each of the following sentences contains one or more subordinate clauses. Identify these clauses by underlining and numbering them, as shown in the example below. For each clause indicate (a) what kind It is, (b) its grammatical function. Example: The teacher explained that every student is supposed to submit a research proposal
1 (a) Noun Clause (b)Direct Object 6. Tell the manager where he can get the information
7. He has a file containing much of our data, which needs some modification
8. It has been claimed that the president's announcements stupid.
9. Why the $10,000 has been stolen is a matter of sight concern to me.
10.1 will end my welcome speech to whoever likes the guy well enough to introduce him
D. Some of the following "sentences" are correct; others are not. If a sentence" is incorrect, rewrite it correctly. (You may need to add words while rewriting some of these sentences
11. When it is time to go to lunch, wake me up
12. I know that Bob will find working with Henriette Barrett an enjoyable experience and worthwhile.
13. The ridiculous construction cost when you compare it to any other bid.
The conditions being unfavorable, students decided to go home:
the lawsuit fits, settle out of court.
Bad grammar is We having bad breath; even your best friends won't tell you.
While writing the accident report, the ambulance driver moved the body
Profits aside, I hate the marketing procedures as well as the type of customers
G. Combine each of the following pairs into a simple, complex, compound, or compound-complex sentence, following the guidelines given in each case.
You can lead an employee to the computer. You cannot make him crunch the right numbers. (simple sentence]
Our records indicate something unusual. No one here officially hired him. He keeps showing up for work every
morning (Compound-complex sentence)
You cannot write a good monograph. You have read enough literature. (Complex sentence)
The equipment works well on the drawing board. It will work spasmodically. compound sentence)
COMPOSITION II s3 نموذج إمتحان وحدة
امتحان وحدة
نموذج إمتحان الفصل الثالث وحدة
إضغط هنا للتحميل
نموذج أسئلة وحدة
الفصل الثالث شعبة الإنجليزية
نموذج أسئلة وحدة
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